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Category Archives: fiction

The Fish in the Garden

Professor Ignatius slammed the book closed on the lectern and bellowed, “Bugger it all!” Marlin, perched on his left shoulder, let out a loud squawk, while Merlin, perched on the opposite shoulder, stayed quiet and simply stared at his master’s flushed face. Ignatius crossed his arms across his chest, resting them on his ample belly, […]

A Fragment

I walked out of the bungalow and thought about everything I’d tried to do in my life but failed. Why did I dwell so much on my failures and not my successes? I’d traveled across five continents, taught linguistics and cartography to poor children in underdeveloped regions, helped build aqueducts and courthouses and temples, written […]

The Maze of the Moon

There’s always a risk when you whisk yourself off into the world. You dance and sneak and stumble through shadow and sunlight, stars in your eyes and demons in your head. Everything screams at you, everything beckons and begs. You twist and you turn, over brambles, through mud, under sea and stone, across cloud and […]