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The Shape of the Sky in Your Eyes

touch nothing to hold
it’s the news of the day
the coffee cup by a woman’s grave
they say that now darker she is what she is
a mystery of shell-well kissing must be
our so on the whole of a loss of control

night is when we walk the line
she knew her own grace if she say in the word
to move the world what moves only the world
oceans ahead define your touch
now lighter
now darker
they have defined hands open fall of time

the woman’s world is our word for up
she doesn’t open
screen invisible
night turning to a feeling where moving is a dream
the word defines
our world is on hold
we must move the world to fall in control
night designs
gives you sleep good walk

she light the light
she is a parade of your world
i’m more of a moving good moon face
deliver us to see news
see you still in moves darker
hands on
she gonna fall shadow
she so holding
so glad at fall of open bounces world
to eyes say other load of remote
like life so now murkier
must say so shakes & must define
a touch
now lighter
now darker
& then